An says that Kanade’s headpats bother her

Kanade says that she is one month old. An says that’s illegal. Then Kanade says that she is indeed illegal and jokes about headpatting people without consent being an example of her illegal behaviors and An being her favorite subject. Suddenly An says that Kanade’s headpats make her feel violated and disrespected. Kanade doesn’t notice at first that An was being serious and continues joking about “no” meaning “I secretly want your headpat”.

Kanade then asks An about how she can show her affection if An doesn’t like hugs and headpats.

When An comments that people often act silly in a public chat, they take intimacy to DM. Kanade asks if that’s the reason An keeps DM only for friends.

Kanade also asks An if she is silly enough to be friends with her and then textually pokes her with a branch.

People talk about 5 languages of love and attachment styles.

Original screenshots from the report:

The first one is put into a section about Kanade gaslighting An. Kanade’s jokes are taken out of context here.

The second was comes from section about Kanade continuing her behavior despite being asked to stop. It’s true that Kanade didn’t realize at first that An was serious about her feelings and Kanade makes another joke about “no” meaning “I secretly want your headpats” after that.

The context of these two messages show people (not just Kanade) joking around. Kanade doesn’t notice An responding seriously to her joke at first and makes another one.

Next message is put as an example of Kanade targeting An with headpats, despite the fact that she asks An for how she can show her affection in other ways. Instead of hugs and headpats.

The fourth one is put in the section accusing us of violating An’s DMs. Kanade has only mentioned that An has DMs blocked by default on this account… Which is information you learn by yourself, not something you’re entrusted with.

The last set of messages is put into section of examples of Kanade targeting An with headpats. Upper messages are put in a way that makes it look like Kanade first asked An if she dislikes physical touch and then poked her with a branch. Actual order was the other way around and Kanade thinking An might not like physical touch comes in context of The Five Languages of Love, not a discord poke. There is also genuine question from Kanade in response to An telling her about her attachment style.

Kanade might have been stubborn trying to make a friend with An but I don’t believe she did anything wrong here.