Alien vs Predator

I’m incognito here as Alexander. At this point in time An is aware of this account being mine but doesn’t have a proof. Ranger probably has no clue just like she had no clue about okidokime being An in se004 . I’m going to talk about myself as Mon in third person for sake of convenience.

We are discussing AI language models and An tells us not to simulate Mon’s personality. Asked why, An insults Mon and calls him a predator, also says that he is dangerous for other people and he knows it. Ranger seriously mentions her bullshit report despite being aware of its lies.

Ranger says Mon is terrible but he is not a pedo. Yet. And she says that talking about imaginary incest in SFW channels is not that small (she meant big?) step below that though.

An continues insulting Mon.

We are talking about discord not protecting children enough. At some point, I mention that Discord’s persistent nature can help with getting evidence on abusers. An agrees, saying that she’s glad she had a history of Mon abusing her thanks to that… What an irony.

An is insinuating Mon talking bad things about children in channel that is no longer accessible.

Ranger pasted a list of signs of pedophilia abuse. An says that Mon ticked the boxes there.

We’re talking about grooming for a while. At some point, An says that child predators should be shot (later added that it’s about shooting photos and shaming) and another user agreed with the part without photos without irony. From there conversation gets really nasty.

An says that it should be legal to shoot Mon for sport. A few other users are encouraged by the shooting idea. I’m not sure if An is joking or not but they aren’t.

An precises that Mon should be shot (x-ray) photos (in a way that damage him with radiation).

A festival of embracing corporal punishment continues. An is proposing castration having scissors with Mon’s tulpas, I guess.

At some point the minor user shows his ignorance on why people commit crimes. Real world doesn’t work like shitty plot of Death Note, sorry. But after that, the discussion is cooling down.

An keeps badmouthing Mon for a while. She finally calls him a harasser, an abuser and a predator. She also says that he is the reason she hates dming people.

It’s the nastiest piece of shit An did so far. Nice cherry on top of the WormHugs™ and a definitive proof of An defamatory intentions.